Monday, November 27, 2017

Krakowskie Dni Nawierzchni (KDN), Seminar on road pavements, Krakow, 11-17 November, 2017

Adam participated in Seminar on road pavements. Many interesting presentations and discussion, also radio interview. More pictures HERE.

Adam during radio live talk

Aalto University, November 8th, 2017

Adam was an opponent for Michalina Makowska doctoral defense at Aalto University (Finland). Her dissertation was titled "The physicochemical influence of the inorganic phase on the aging and performance of asphalt pavements in Finland" and her adviser was Prof. Terhi Pellinen. She passed with distinction - congrats!

Michalina, Terhi and Adam

Thursday, October 26, 2017

EC Collaborative Innovation Days - Infrastructure Cloud Final Conference

Ewa participated in the EC Infrastructure Cloud Final Event and gave a presentation on Infrastructure Operation and Services summarizing 2nd Infrastructure Cloud workshop results. Ewa also moderated panel discussion on  the role of freight and multi-modal transport in shaping today's face of infrastructure operations and services especially in the context of end users. Pannelists on the photo: Martin Boehn (Austria Tech), Fernando Liesa (ALICE), Karin, De Schepper (EIN), Francesca La Torre (University of Florence), for more details visit:

Saturday, September 23, 2017

BESTInfra conference in Prague, 21-22 September 2017

Adam participated in BESTInfra conference in Prague. It was nicely organized conference with approx. 150 particpants from 22 countries! Open-access proceedings are available HERE (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering). Enjoy!

BESTInfra 2017 conference in Prague, 21-22 September 2017

FEHRL meeting in London hosted by TRL

Ewa and Adam participated in FEHRL meeting in London (UK). Meeting was hosted by one of FEHRL members, TRL. One of the attractions was GATEway vehicle - read more about this project HERE. It was fun!
GATEway automated vehicle

Saturday, September 2, 2017

XXIX International Baltic Road Conference

Ewa and Adam participated in XXIX International Baltic Road Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. Adam was an invited speaker and he delivered a presentation on "Chemistry based methods for assessment of asphalt binder quality". They also presented a paper on "Implementation of pavement asset management with climate change aspect".

Adam, Ewa, Migle Paliukaite, and kids

Friday, July 7, 2017

International Transport Forum, OECD

Adam took part in 2-day kick-off meeting of the International Transport Forum’s (ITF’s) working group on Policies to extend the life of road assets. Meeting location was at the OECD headquarter in Paris, France. Working group chair is Loes Aarts (Senior Adviser at Rijkswaterstaat, Netherlands) and there are 23 other members from all over the world. 

More on ITF at the OECD.

Adam at OECD in Paris

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

BCRRA Conference in Athens, Greece

Adam and Ewa participated in the 10th International Conference on Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields organized in Athens on June 28-30 ( . We had a poster presentation on "Investigation of tire-pavement noise using On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) system". Adam also had a presentation on "Assessment of Pavement Structures at Traffic Speed" and he also chaired a Special Technical Session on TSD on June 30.

Final Review meeting of USE-iT

Ewa participated in the Final Review Meeting of the H2020 Project USE-iT with the EC and INEA in Brussels on 23 of June. Ewa is managing WP2: User Information on behalf of IBDiM. It was a great project and we got to work in a great team of AIT, TRL, FEHRL and Maple Consulting on this project. Congratulations to all WP Leaders on successful presentations!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

7th International EATA Conference

Adam took part in 7th International EATA Conference at EMPA in Dübendorf, Switzerland. Adam is a member of prestigous EATA Steering Group.

Since the inaugural meeting of EATA (European Asphalt Technology Association) in Nottingham Royal Moat House Hotel on July 6th – July 7th, 2004 took place, EATA conferences were held every two years, except on 2013, in different places like Meriden (UK), Lyon (F), Parma (I), Braunschweig (D) and Stockholm (S). Adam participated in all of them except for Parma. 8th meeting is scheduled for June 3rd–5th 2019 in Granada, Spain.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


Ewa participated in 2nd Workshop on Infrastructure Cloud – Operation and Services, organized by the European Commission in Brussels on June 9th, 2017

Polski Kongres Drogowy (Polish Road Congress) 07.06.2017 - 09.06.2017

Adam wziął udział w II Pomorskie Forum Drogowe gdzie zaprezentował swoje doświadczenia nt. "Dostosowanie i wdrożenie kompleksowego systemu PMS z perspektywy zarządcy"

Friday, April 28, 2017

10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering”

Adam participated in 10th International Conference “Environmental Engineering” in Vilnius, Lithuania (27–28 April 2017). He presented two papers on On-Board Sound Intensity (OBSI) and geogrid application in pavements.

21st Century Mobility conference

Ewa participated in the Tools for 21st Century Mobility conference organized by the Czech Center for Mobility - RODOS in Prague on April 24th, 2017. The conference featured international speakers from PIARC, USA, South Africa, Japan and Europe. The topics mentioned during the event included applications of big data tools for traffic management, smart parking, tolling, and origin-destination modeling. The evening program was held on the cruise boat with the tour guide so all participants could combine networking with sightseeing of Prague!

ViaRODOS application

Monday, April 10, 2017


Ewa actively participated in 2017 FEHRL Infrastructure Research Meeting (FIRM17) in Brussels. There was also DeTECToR workshop and a final conference for our H2020 project USE-iT.

Martin Lamb (Maple Consulting), Ewa Zofka (IBDiM),
Erdelean Isabela (AIT)
 and Adewole Adesiyun (FEHRL)

Friday, March 31, 2017

Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists

Adam and Ewa attended 2017 AAPT Annual Meeting on March 19-22, 2017 in Newport Beach, CA. It was a good opportunity to catch up with old friends! Also, Adam was co-author of one of the papers: Comprehensive Evaluation of Low Temperature Cracking Fracture Indices for Asphalt Mixtures.

Ewa, Adam and Iliya Yut (former Adam's Ph.D. student) 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Editorial Board

Adam was invited to serve on the Editorial Board for the Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering  LINK

Friday, January 13, 2017

Chief Scientist

Adam has a new position in IBDiM - Chief Scientist.