Tuesday, November 22, 2016


11th International Road Safety Seminar GAMBIT 2016
Adam, Ewa and Rafal Lusa


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Warsaw Industry Week Conference

Ewa was presenting H2020 Projects during Warsaw Industry Week Conference in Nadarzyn (LINK)
Ewa during Warsaw Industry Week Conference

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Konferencja infraBIM – BIM w infrastrukturze drogowej i kolejowej
infraBIM conference - BIM implementation in road/rail infrastructure

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IBDiM is a Partner in CEDR-funded project DeTECToR

IBDiM’s team (under Prof. Adam Zofka) recently joined TRL lead (UK) infrastructure and Climate Change project- DeTECToR. The project has been sponsored by The Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) under its eighth transnationally funded research programme under the topic of „Climate Change: From Desk to Road“. The funding countries include Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Austria. The Consortium consists of TRL Limited (UK)- project coordinator, Alfen Consult GmbH (Germany), HELLER (Germany), Climate and Environment Consulting Potsdam GmbH (Germany), Road and Bridge Research Institute (IBDiM, Poland) and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (Austria).

The project addresses two of the four DOR’s requirements such as economic costs associated with integrating climate change into decision-making and embedding climate change into practice and procurement. DeTECToR will develop two new sets of tools and guidance, the first to help NRAs integrate climate change adaptation into economic decision-making, and the second to help them to implement these decisions by embedding climate change mitigation and adaptation into their operations and procurement processes. We are looking forward to the fruitful international and local cooperation (received support from GDDKiA) on this project.