Thursday, June 4, 2020

Profesor Adam Zofka

Postanowieniem z dnia 11 maja 2020 roku Prezydent RP Pan Andrzej Duda nadał Adamowi Zofka tytuł profesora nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych.

Akt nadania tytułu profesora dla Adama Zofka

Monday, March 2, 2020

International Workshop Colombia 2020 RMPD

Adam participated in the International Workshop Colombia 2020 organized by Universidad de los Andes in Cartagena. It was also a chance for a meeting of the Editorial Board for the prestigious Road Materials and Pavement Design (LINK), world-class international journal. Adam is serving as Associate Editor since 2019 among other 14 experts from all over the world. During the workshop Adam gave two presentations related to SIEC11.5t project.

Adam, William G. Buttlar (USA), Luis Guillermo Loria (Costa Rica),
Gabriele Tebaldi (Italy), Silvia Caro (Colombia), Bernhard Hofko
(Austria), Jo Sias (USA), Jorge B. Sousa (Portugal),
Hervé Di Benedetto (France), Manfred N. Partl (Switzerland)

It's Colombia not Columbia

Monday, February 17, 2020

Adam na XII Seminarium Techniczne, SITK RP, O/Białystok (3-5 luty 2020)

Adam wziął udział w XII Seminarium Technicznym zorganizowanym przez SITK RP, O/Białystok. Adam przedstawił prezentację pt. "Proaktywna strategia w utrzymaniu infrastruktury drogowej".  Bardzo interesujące wykłady i wspaniałe miejsce!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Adam participated in kick-off meeting of new PIARC cycle (2020-2023)

Adam participated in kick-off meeting of a new PIARC work cycle (2020-2023). Adam is Polish representative in Technical Committee 3.3 – ASSET MANAGEMENT which is a part of Safety and Sustainability theme. Thanks to GDDKiA (Polish NRA) Adam joined work group on "Measures for improving resilience of road network".  This is a great previlage and honor to be a part of this activity for the next 4 years! Stay tuned for more info.

Adam, Aleksandra Cybulska (PKD, Poland), and
Patrick Malléjacq
(PIARC Secretary General)

Friday, January 24, 2020

Adam visits Prof. Hervé Di Benedetto at ENTPE (21.01.2020)

Adam visited Prof. Hervé Di Benedetto at ENTPE (Lyon, France). Adam had a privilege to serve as a reviewer for one of Prof. Di Benedetto students - Thomas Attia. His Ph.D. dissertaton was on „Interfaces between pavement layers in bituminous mixtures“.  Thomas did an excellent job defending his work and it was an interesting visit in Lyon.

Thomas's Ph.D. committee

Adam and Prof. Di Benedetto