Thursday, April 25, 2019

Associate Editor in RMPD

Adam was recently elected to serve as Associate Editor in prestigious journal Road Materials and Pavement Design (RMPD). He is one of 13 Editors who make sure that this journal publishes state-of-the-art research and maintains high scientific level.

RMPD journal

Monday, April 1, 2019

FIRM 2019

ERICA actively participated in the FIRM 2019 Conference (FEHRL event) in Brussels, March 26-28.
30th Anniversary of FEHRL was celebrated on March 26th with many important guests who had an influence on forming the "FEHRL family" over the years. Ewa participated in a bunch of interactive workshops for European projects and also for the STAPLE project via buzzmaster ( The event was a great success facilitating current European trends in automation, asset management, electrification, robotics ans skills. Congratulations FEHRL!

STAPLE Workshop in Tallinn March 6-7

ERICA participated in the STAPLE (Site Automation Practical Learning) project workshop on March 7th  in Tallinn (Estonia). STAPLE is funded by the CEDR 2017 transitional research project topic Automation. We had a great participation from NRAs and automotive sector.